Psychodynamic Practice Journal for BAPPS Members
‘Psychodynamic Practice’ a journal from Birkbeck Counselling Association, incorporates papers from those working in the British and international psychoanalytic world. As you will know from recent communications, BAPPS has been building links with this publication to enable our members to be able to read and submit papers for publication in this stimulating Journal.
We have also been able to secure a massively reduced annual subscription fee for BAPPS members. Members can access online volumes in the members area.
For those who would like to submit papers to the publication please see our website for more details, or email Melinda Meigs, via admin@supervision.org.uk for more information.
Publishing a paper in Psychodynamic Practice
You may wish to share special therapeutic or supervisory experiences such as working with a unique population, an original approach to therapy or supervision, or an original grasp of professional issues and challenges. You may also have students in supervision training or doing an MA, MSc. Ph.D., whose papers could be prepared for publication through BAPPS. All these options are manifestations of professional development and involvement.
To facilitate the process of submitting to Psychodynamic Practice, you can contact Jo and/or Melinda Meigs. The editorial team at PP is also willing to help with the process in the different stages of the submission. We welcome any writing contribution to the Journal as a member of BAPPS who is immersed in psychoanalytically oriented clinical work and especially in supervision.
Please note that there are three types of paper submissions, each with specific format requirements: a. Research or clinical papers that focus on a psychodynamic clinical or theoretical issue. These papers are blindly reviewed by peers and form accredited academic publications. b. Open space papers that highlight the writer’s personal perspective on therapeutic and supervisory issues without necessarily providing clinical or research material. These papers are not reviewed by peers but evaluated by the section editor. c. Book reviews are short papers that constitute the writer’s grasp of a newly published book and are only assessed by the section editor. Articles published in Psychodynamic Practice appear internationally, so your work will be widely read.
To prepare the manuscript for submission, you need to follow the Journal’s instructions for writers that appear on the Journal’s website, including the maximal number of words for each section and the manner of referencing other writers. Then, the actual submission of the paper is carried out through the Journal’s portal as detailed in the instructions.
The following editors of the various sections are willing to help if you need clarifications or encounter technical challenges.
Jonathan Smith is Book Review editor – jonathandereksmith@gmail.com
To help you prepare and submit your paper in the most effective and comfortable way, Hanoch suggests that you contact him before submitting a piece for a possible publication.
As BAPPS is trying to raise its profile through this publication, it would be important for you to mention it as an organisation for psychodynamic and psychoanalytic supervision and perhaps your involvement with it.
Book Review Opportunities
BAPPS members are invited to submit book reviews to Psychodynamic Practice. Please find attached the list of books to be reviewed. Should you submit a review, please let Jonathan Smith jonathandereksmith@gmail.com, the book review editor, know that you are a BAPPS member
Please find a complete list of books to review here.
If you need any further information, please contact admin@supervision.org.uk Your query will be passed on to Melinda Meigs who will be able to provide more information.