British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision

BAPPS is a member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Section).

BAPPS has adopted a written Code of Ethics for Supervisors to which all members subscribe and a complaints procedure.

BAPPS is an organisational member of UKCP and aims to promote education, training and the highest ethical standards of practice in supervising psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy.

BAPPS provides an inclusive and inspirational forum for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervisors to meet in their diversity to reflect and contribute to Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision as a creative and integral resource for both their practice and the wider profession

We ascribe to current legislation & regulation regularly review our processes.

A Brief History of BAPPS

The British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision (BAPPS) was founded in 1995 to address the growing need for supervision training, a concept largely unrecognised in the 1980s. Originating from early initiatives by Derek Blows and the Westminster Pastoral Foundation, BAPPS has since become a leading professional body, setting standards for supervision accreditation and fostering innovation through training, conferences, and publications. Today, it continues to play a vital role in advancing psychoanalytic and psychodynamic supervision. BAPPS Chair (2004-2009) Christine Driver looks back on the history of BAPPS.

Become a member.


Conferences, CPD & Masterclasses

\Membership benefits include subsidised conferences, with masterclasses offering supervision-specific continued professional development events.

The annual conference takes place in October each year.

Online BAPPS Directory Listing & Peer Supervision Groups

All BAPPS members are listed on the BAPPS Directory under a geo-location function that allows members to be found within their region.

BAPPS are committed to fostering a sense of community and collaboration among our members. Members are invited to join online peer supervision groups.

Online Supervisor Resources Library

Members have free access to the Review library and are eligible for a substantially reduced subscription to ‘Psychodynamic Practice’, the Birkbeck Counselling Association journal, as part of the BAPPS membership package.